Thursday 21 June 2012


Guest Post By my magnificent first Wife Isa.
Written 14 June 2012

While we are busy with soccer or rugby games, soap operas, Sunday gatherings, petty political discussions, beer drinking or shopping sprees, the blind following of inexperienced youth leaders, foolish racial (or not) liberties concerning paintings or other artistic expressions of discontent, plus many other distractions (feel free to add your own distractions) that are meant to keep us, as humans, divided and therefore easy to control, several ‘cancers’ grow around us.
We must pay attention to what is really important or one day we may wake up to find that our journey is being lead through a difficult path.
Being free does not mean to have the choice and ability to enter any shop and buy what we really do not need with money we do not have and then slave away daily to pay for it. By the way, this is the same society that creates drug addicts, rapists and human beings with a total lack of empathy for others and who will kill others for money or a cell phone.
Being free does not mean to have the choice to do what everybody else is doing just to ‘belong’! Belong to what? (Feel free to explain to yourself what you really want to belong to!)
Awareness is the beginning of enlightenment.
Blind faith in a political party, person or anything else leads to disappointment and suffering when and if we finally discover we have been living in a single bubble while there were other bubbles popping around us in a colourful display of diversity.
Awareness is the beginning of enlightenment – be aware, investigate, discover and decide for yourself.

For example, did you know: (Click Link Bellow?)

Keep Africa free of military intervention from any other foreign country which comes disguised as help in ‘good faith’
Keep away from greedy people and politicians who care nothing for us and have their own agenda and who want to keep us divided by race, sports, religion, life style, the car we drive and anything else.
Let us be united as human beings in touch with the living Earth, the living abundance of resources, beauty, and love in Nature. If we lose touch with all living things and each other we suffer. There is no freedom in that!

I may be talking to myself!

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