Tuesday 22 September 2009


"The cause of all pain and suffering is ignorance." Buddha

"Forgive them for they know not who they ARE".

I do not know if I was until recently just one of the people that were unable to understand the messages above, or if the current world crisis is actually accelerating the inevitable change in our collective outlook, or if I have actually grown (or deflated, depending on from which side of the ego you view it)?
I see more and more of this type of message lately! Perhaps the messages were always there and I have only recently become able to appreciate them? I realise that I have a lot to learn and much changing to do before I can permanently BE!
I have heard and read the messages, many times but they were always masked or limited by social, religious, or denominational propaganda. Now for the first time I can see that it is my own personal ego and its identification with or opposition to all the teachings I have heard and seen before that were preventing me from “seeing” and “being” the “light”!
I am working on diminishing my ego, it still tries to identify with or oppose ego’s that cross our path, sometimes it wins but I am becoming a stronger watcher every day, I can sense it weakening, I still do many of the egoistic things that I have over the years incorporated into my self image, but it is becoming easier not to get involved in the daily arguments and senseless discussions that my ego used to feed on so well!
I can now spend longer periods in basic inaction, appreciating the surroundings, slowing the thought process, and regaining control of mind and allowing it less control of my being!

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