Thursday 21 June 2012


Guest Post By my magnificent first Wife Isa.
Written 14 June 2012

While we are busy with soccer or rugby games, soap operas, Sunday gatherings, petty political discussions, beer drinking or shopping sprees, the blind following of inexperienced youth leaders, foolish racial (or not) liberties concerning paintings or other artistic expressions of discontent, plus many other distractions (feel free to add your own distractions) that are meant to keep us, as humans, divided and therefore easy to control, several ‘cancers’ grow around us.
We must pay attention to what is really important or one day we may wake up to find that our journey is being lead through a difficult path.
Being free does not mean to have the choice and ability to enter any shop and buy what we really do not need with money we do not have and then slave away daily to pay for it. By the way, this is the same society that creates drug addicts, rapists and human beings with a total lack of empathy for others and who will kill others for money or a cell phone.
Being free does not mean to have the choice to do what everybody else is doing just to ‘belong’! Belong to what? (Feel free to explain to yourself what you really want to belong to!)
Awareness is the beginning of enlightenment.
Blind faith in a political party, person or anything else leads to disappointment and suffering when and if we finally discover we have been living in a single bubble while there were other bubbles popping around us in a colourful display of diversity.
Awareness is the beginning of enlightenment – be aware, investigate, discover and decide for yourself.

For example, did you know: (Click Link Bellow?)

Keep Africa free of military intervention from any other foreign country which comes disguised as help in ‘good faith’
Keep away from greedy people and politicians who care nothing for us and have their own agenda and who want to keep us divided by race, sports, religion, life style, the car we drive and anything else.
Let us be united as human beings in touch with the living Earth, the living abundance of resources, beauty, and love in Nature. If we lose touch with all living things and each other we suffer. There is no freedom in that!

I may be talking to myself!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

The Ink Blot

Guest Post By my magnificent first Wife Isa.

Written 19 May 2010

I woke up with enough thoughts to write a million books. My hands cannot type as fast as my brain processes all the thoughts, ideas and concepts. I feel as if I am bouncing inside my brain a colourful ball of yarn with many lose beginnings and infinite number of undetermined ends and it is so tangled that it is almost a work of art.

The interesting thing is if I painted it and framed it, I would then be left with a dilemma! Which way to hang it on the wall, if I could find a wall suitable to hang it on?

Figuratively and literally! I have just painted a picture with words!

The trouble is that the colourful yarn keeps growing in size and complexity. Every now and then I pull out the beginning of a string in the form of a thought, hand it to somebody, but then I do not stay long enough to find the end! Not because I didn’t give it enough effort and attention but because the audience has inside their head their own tangled monochrome yarn that oozes fear and disbelief. Let this not be a judgment but a fact.

Precociousness does not describe my attitude! The first word on this page is I. It is thus my prerogative to accept that it is pointless for me to attempt to brighten somebody else’s tightly packed grey variegated string ball.

There is life out there pushing enormous multicoloured silk yarns! All I have to do is to attempt to unravel at least one string using reason and integrity.

Any writing is an imposition on my intelligence until the moment I choose to read it! Then it becomes an option. I am a citizen of the Universe! I am pleased to meet you! I pursue knowledge intelligently and with reason.

This moment is wrapped with a well traveled life path. I have lived but have not always been aware of life. I was pompously alive until I realized the connection in the laws of the Universe. Not in the futile laws of humanity. I was swimming in a pond of life instead of the immense sea of interconnected space time. I am part of humanity first. I ate to grow, learned to get a job, I slept to restore energy, I drank for various reasons and I partied to show popularity. That was good living! But was I alive?

I dressed to cover up my nakedness and go to church. Does anybody realize that I was born naked and without fear. I simply possessed all the basic instincts and requirements to survive on this planet, thanks to the cerebral evolution of my species! My Ancestors made mistakes and learned their lessons. Painting a tiger with a spear through the heart on the cave wall does not help with survival. Running fast and making a fire at the entrance of the cave helps with good tigerless sleep.

So there I was down to basics and doing well. Then somebody told me I had to cover up all my sins with some repetitive recitation. The sins of a 5 year old are only basic instincts suddenly dressed up in new clothes. And they are all b-a-d. I had to obey some man made rules and was handed an enormous cargo of fears so that I understood that failure to comply meant punishment. Since no one around me thought they had the power to enforce the rules—before people make rules they should first solve the problem—they created an invisible entity (good or bad!) that comes when you do not expect it and punishes you with invisible concepts of heaven or hell. Children have a great imagination, are extremely creative and have incredible trust and sense of adventure. Why can’t they be told a better nursery and bed time story? One without blue beard! (Re: The story of Blue Beard by Charles Perrault was still being sold as a children’s bed time story in 1993).

Children’s unique creativeness is colourful, unrestricted and positive. Unfortunately adults find their own compartmental mind and discourage children’s original ability. I recall teaching art awareness to a class of preschoolers, ages between 4 and 7. A young 9 year old girl from another school used to attend my class. That afternoon I decided to guide them through shading and blending with colour crayons. I first demonstrated on a clear white sheet how to press hard with the pencil until the colour was vivid and then slowly ease the pressure until the colour was gradually lighter. The children had to practice this all over their sheet of paper. They managed with various degrees of success. I noticed that all the preschoolers were enthusiastically colouring all over the paper but the older girl just looked at the paper! I asked if she needed help and she looked at me and asked if she could first draw a square and then practice shading inside the lines. I asked her to please try shading on the blank sheet. Within 5 minutes the young children had a rainbow of colour all over their sheets of paper, the 9 year old had 2 smudges on one corner. What does this say? Adult compartmented and restricted influence?

Adults around me painted a picture of good versus evil in my childhood mind—a possible future adult. I recognize the vicious circle! This is not an excuse for keeping the blinkers activated. If our world is a sheet of paper and I am an ink spot I have two alternatives: I stay in my flat world or I get blotted onto another sheet in which case I lose a bit of the original but still keep the same shape if the ink is wet and adventurous.

I confess that I gave up confession at the age of 7. I had problem with the words: “I have sinned by thoughts, words and deeds!” This was worse than begging for forgiveness to all the holy entities. What is a 7 year old to do when she thinks all thoughts, words and…? I am not sure I knew the full meaning of the word deeds, are sinful? I didn’t know what sinful meant either but I was sure punishment was lurking in the shadows.

What is a 7 year old to do indeed but to go on discover herself in the safety of a corn field!? This feels like the sinful couple in the famous garden! They should know better since they appeared as full adults, all naked as children but without the childhood indoctrination!

It is so liberating telling all this to my ink spot! I know nobody that would understand the basics of a mind that is striving to be clear, calm and free of fear.

In general when I speak to other people I either say what they want to hear, narrate what I did during the day or keep quiet. Whichever way has nothing to do with who I am. I just am! I do not need to find myself in the middle of an African village that culturally still lives in the far ancient past and still practices degrading rituals on each other. I do not have to respect such atrocities either!

Appreciate with gratefulness the magnificent beauty of the present being you already are!

Aprecia com gratitude a beleza magnificente do ser present que tu já és!

Isa da Rocha-Chomse

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Study Nutrition.

I am not a Doctor or registered health practitioner, I am alive, so my state of health is important, especially to me. It is MY responsibility! So please bear with me, although I have no formal qualification I do know a little more about this subject then the average high school graduate!
We should not wait for there to be a medical reason before we take supplements! We need to supplement because we eat wrongly; or eat foods produced in depleted or polluted soil. You probably already subscribe to the view that a healthy body will better support a healthy mind. Please distinguish between synthetic, natural, organic and whole human food chain foods.
Synthetic supplements are increasingly being shown in modern studies as being ineffective at best, and actually harmful in some studies! Organic and Natural do not necessarily mean suitable for human consumption! Pond scum and pine bark are both organic and natural, are not normally eaten by humans!
Choose to supplement only with proven, documented, safe supplements, extracted from whole human food source fruit, vegetable, or animal raw material that are properly screened to avoid unknown toxins or low bio available ingredients. If you are serious about your mind enhancement you need the full spectrum of amino acids in optimal proportions at least once a day.
High Quality Omega 3 complex, E complex, and Grain oil extracts for healthy cell walls, extra calcium and magnesium as well vitamin B complex and a multivitamin that contains most of the vitamins and minerals in optimal proportions to support sustained mental and physical activity.
A well formulated herbal supplement will further enhance brain function during sustained mental stress! Whole food supplements boost our immune systems and supply lipids, minerals and vitamins that are lacking in supermarket food so that our bodies can beat disease, and function as designed.
Needless to say these supplements are not as widely available as they should be; they are however available to anyone that takes the trouble to enquire!

Tuesday 22 September 2009


"The cause of all pain and suffering is ignorance." Buddha

"Forgive them for they know not who they ARE".

I do not know if I was until recently just one of the people that were unable to understand the messages above, or if the current world crisis is actually accelerating the inevitable change in our collective outlook, or if I have actually grown (or deflated, depending on from which side of the ego you view it)?
I see more and more of this type of message lately! Perhaps the messages were always there and I have only recently become able to appreciate them? I realise that I have a lot to learn and much changing to do before I can permanently BE!
I have heard and read the messages, many times but they were always masked or limited by social, religious, or denominational propaganda. Now for the first time I can see that it is my own personal ego and its identification with or opposition to all the teachings I have heard and seen before that were preventing me from “seeing” and “being” the “light”!
I am working on diminishing my ego, it still tries to identify with or oppose ego’s that cross our path, sometimes it wins but I am becoming a stronger watcher every day, I can sense it weakening, I still do many of the egoistic things that I have over the years incorporated into my self image, but it is becoming easier not to get involved in the daily arguments and senseless discussions that my ego used to feed on so well!
I can now spend longer periods in basic inaction, appreciating the surroundings, slowing the thought process, and regaining control of mind and allowing it less control of my being!

Monday 21 September 2009

Recession proofing your income.

We need to have a plan B! One or more alternative income streams, if one stream "dries up" a little more effort into another could make up the difference. Invest most of your daily effort into generating residual income. This is income that is self sustaining, that does not require ongoing effort once the initial work has been done. Rent, Dividends, Royalties, etc. The first thing you need to mentally modify is your “need” to have a “job”. A job is a good thing only if some of the income is used to leverage a better, residual income producing position. Most of us can make more money working for ourselves then working directly for someone else.

Education is the key! Most formal educational institutes exclude personal financial education from their curriculums. We are all more or less obliged to educate ourselves on the subject of money and wealth, especially if we do not have a financially free family member to teach us. True wealth seldom comes in the form of one large lump sum, and if it does most of us do not have the skill to retain it or make it grow. True wealth comes from multiple “small” amounts that require some effort to set up but require little or no maintenance to continue paying out in the long term.